I hope that this letter finds you well in what continues to be challenging times.
It is clear that the Pandemic has some way yet to run and that community transmission is increasing, particularly in schools and amongst younger people. Indeed, whilst the vaccination programme is proving to be very successful, it is also clear that this does not prevent people catching Covid, experiencing its unpleasant symptoms and being forced to isolate.
As management, we have sought from the start of the pandemic to do all that we can to keep our colleagues, customers and suppliers safe whilst also protecting the business through this period. We have provided support and advice wherever we have been able and implemented Covid-safe working measures in line with Government guidance and appropriate for our operations.
Although Monday sees the end of the ‘formal lockdown laws’ and the end of ‘Work From Home’ guidance, it is essential that we all continue to play our part in trying to keep everyone as safe as possible. From this point, the onus will therefore be on us all as individuals to continue to take the sensible steps necessary for this – washing hands regularly, wearing masks when requested or it is sensible to do so and maintaining suitable distancing.
Therefore, as a business, from 19th July we will continue to operate with current on-site safety measures in place for the foreseeable future.
These measures have been successful in restricting the impact of Covid and so it is essential that we all comply fully with the measures kept in place at each site, to minimise the risks of transmission and the impact on individuals, as well as the business as a whole.
Whilst I very much share the frustration and disappointment of the past sixteen months, I would respectfully ask that everyone considers carefully the risks that they now take outside work in socialising and attending events over the coming months. We have all worked extremely hard to keep each other safe and to ensure our businesses have met the huge challenges of the pandemic. Please try not to put this hard work unnecessarily at risk now and continue to consider the impact that our actions can have on colleagues who may contract the virus or be forced to isolate.
As I say, the onus from now is on each individual to act thoughtfully inside and outside of work and, if we all do our best, then we can reduce the risks to each other in the work environment.
I thank you all for the hard work and determination shown throughout this pandemic and assure you that as a management team we will continue to do all that we can to prioritise the health and safety of all colleagues and minimise the impact of the pandemic on you all and the business as a whole.